The common areas are owned and maintained by The Crest of Calavera Hills Homeowners Association, a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation ("Association"), the members of which are the owners of the residential lots. The Association maintains the exterior of the residential units built on the residential lots to ensure community standards are established and maintained.
Residential lot owners elect a five-member Board of Directors to direct the affairs of the Association. Directors are elected for a term of two years with two Directors elected one year and three Directors elected the following year. There are no limits on the number of terms a Director may be elected to serve on the Association's Board of Directors. Directors are not required to be residential lot owners within the Association but only residential lot owners may vote to elect a Director.
Elections are held each year usually in the month of June.
Directors, through an Association Management Company, guide the day-to-day operation of the HOA for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of all real property within the Association.
Board General Session meetings open to all owners are usually held on the third Wednesday of each month starting at 5:00 PM at the Property Advantage Office located at:
Due to the needs of Board members and HOA business availability, meeting dates and times are subject to change. Please see the posted meeting notice or contact the Property Manager for specific dates and times.
An open forum is held at the beginning of each Board meeting to allow homeowners to express concerns, ask questions, or convey compliments. All homeowners are encouraged to attend monthly Board meetings. Each monthly meeting Agenda is posted at the Mailbox bulletin board prior to each board meeting. The executive session portion of the Board meeting usually starting at 5:30 PM is open only to Directors.
The Crest of Calavera Hills Homeowner's Association
5142 Avenida Encinas
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Telephone 760-585-1743